2016 ORFEUS Annual Observatory Coordination meeting | ||||
List of Participants | ||||
| Name | Family Name | Country, Institution |
E - mail days |
1 | Mohammad P. | Shahvar | Iran | m.shahvar@bhrc.ac.ir 25-28 |
2 | Angelo | Strollo | Germany, GFZ | strollo@gfz-potsdam.de 25-28 |
3 | Luca | Trani | Netherlands,KNMI | trani@knmi.nl 25-28 |
4 | Javier | Quinteros | Germanz, GFZ | javier@gfz-potsdam.de 25-27 |
5 | Martin | Moellhoff | Ireland, Dublin Inst.for Adv.Studies | martin@dias.ie 25-28 |
6 | Kresimir | Kuk | Croatia, Seismological Survey | kresok@irb.hr 24-28 |
7 | Ivo | Allegretti | Croatia, Seismological Survey | alleg@irb.hr 25-28 |
8 | Cristian | Neagoe | Romania, NAtional Inst. for Earth Physics | cristian.neagoe@infp.ro 25-28 |
9 | Alberto | Michelini | Italy, INGV | alberto.michelini@ingv.it 25-28 |
10 | Christos | Evangelidis | Greece, National Observatory of Athens | cevan@noa.gr 25-27 |
11 | Florian | Haslinger | Switzerland, SED | haslinger@sed.ethz.ch 25-28 |
12 | Mechita | Schmidt-Aursch | Germany, AWI Bremerhaven | mschmidt@awi.de 27-28 |
13 | Mathijs | Koymans | Netherlands, , KNMI (ODC) | koymans@knmi.nl 25-28 |
14 | Mohsen | Ayman | Palestine, An Najah National Univ. | ayman_mohsen@najah.edu 26-28 |
15 | Hatim | Alwahsh | Palestine, An Najah National Univ. | hatem_wahsh@najah.edu 25-28 |
16 | Irene | Molinari | Switzerland, ETH Zurich | irene.molinari@erdw.ethz.ch 25-28 |
17 | Damiano | Pesaresi | Italy, OGS | dpesaresi@inogs.it 25-28 |
18 | Helena | Muzarova | Czech Republic, Institute of Geoph. of the CAS | helena@ig.cas.cz 25-28 |
19 | Luděk | Vecsey | Czech Republic, IG CAS | vecsey@ig.cas.cz 25-28 |
20 | Dragana | Cernih | Republic of Macedonia, Seismological Obs. | dcernih@yahoo.com 25-28 |
21 | Vesna | Sipka | Bosnia and Hercegovina, Rep.Hydromet.Service of Rep.of Srpska | vesna_sipka@hotmail.com 25-27 |
22 | Dejan | Jaric | Bosnia and Hercegovina, Rep.Hydromet.Service of Rep.of Srpska | d.jaric@rhmzrs.com 25-27 |
23 | Florian | Fuchs | Austria, University of Vienna | florian.fuchs@univie.ac.at 25-28 |
24 | Azouaou | Alili | Algeria, CRAAG | a.alili@craag.dz 25-28 |
25 | Shemsi | Mustafa | Kosovo,Ministry of Economic Development | shemsi_mustafa@hotmail.com 25-28 |
26 | Pierre | Volke | France, RESIF datacentre | pierre.volcke@univ-grenoble- alpes.fr 26-28 |
27 | Mehdi | Zare | IRAN, IIEES/BHRC | mzare@iiees.ac.ir, mehdi.zare.iran@gmail.com 25-28 |
28 | Baacutelint | Suumlle | Hungary, MTA CSFKI GGI Seismological Observatory | suba@seismology.hu 26-27 |
29 | Muhire | Erich Odon | Germany, BGR | erichodon.muhire@bgr.de 26-28 |
30 | Drilon | Mulliqi | Kosovo, Ministry of Economic Development | Drilon.Mulliqi@rks-gov.net 25-28 |
31 | LLambro | Duni | Albania, Institute of Geosciences, Energy, Water, Env | duni@geo.edu.al 25-28 |
32 | John | Clinton | Switzerland, ETH Zurich | jclinton@sed.ethz.ch 25-28 |
33 | Neki | Kuka | Albania, , Institute of Geosciences, Energy, Water | kuka@geo.edu.al 25-28 |
34 | Mathias | Hoffmann | Germany, BGR Hannover | mathias.hoffmann@bgr.de 27-28 |
35 | Glenn | Cougoulat | France, INSU-CNRS | glenn.cougoulat@univ- grenoble-alpes.fr 25-28 |
36 | David | Wolyniec | France,CNRS/ISTerre | david.wolyniec@ujf- grenoble.fr 25-28 |
37 | Ogie | Kuraica | USA, Kinemetrics Inc | ogie@kmi.com 25-28 |
38 | Fabian | Euchner | Switzerland,Swiss Seismological Service | fabian@sed.ethz.ch 25-28 |
39 | Reinoud | Sleeman | Netherlands, , KNMI | sleeman@knmi.nl 25-28 |
40 | Wayne | Crawford | France, IPGP | crawford@ipgp.fr 27-28 |
41 | Jean-Yves | Royer | France, CNRS | jean-yves.royer@univ- brest.fr 27-28 |
42 | Florent | Brenguier | France,ISterre/Sismob | florent.brenguier@univ- grenoble-alpes.fr 26-28 |
43 | Jordi | Diaz | Spain, ICTJA-CSIC | jdiaz@ictja.csic.es 25-28 |
44 | Graça | Silveira | Portugal, IDL | mdsilveira@fc.ul.pt 26-28 |
45 | Nuno | Dias | Portugal, IDL/ISEL | ndias@adf.isel.pt 26-28 |
46 | Nicholas | Harmon | United Kingdom, University of Southampton | n.harmon@soton.ac.uk 27-28 |
47 | Tomasz | Janik | Poland,, Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sc | janik@igf.edu.pl 25-28 |
48 | Nikolaos | Triantafyllis | Greece, National Observatory of Athens | triantafyl@noa.gr 28 |
49 | Massimo | Fares | Italy | 25-28 |
50 | Davorka | Herak | Croatia, Faculty of Science, Univ. of Zagreb | dherak@gfz.hr 25-28 |
51 | Marijan | Herak | Croatia, Faculty of Science, Univ. of Zagreb | herak@gfz.hr 25-28 |
52 | Christian | Weidle | Germany,CAU Kiel | cweidle@geophysik.uni- kiel.de 25-27 |
53 | Aladino | Govoni | Italy, INGV | aladino.govoni@ingv.it 25-28 |
54 | Carlos | Corela | Portugal, IDL-University of Lisbon | ccorela@fc.ul.pt 25-28 |
55 | Lucia | Luzi | Italy, INGV | lucia.luzi@ingv.it 25-27 |
56 | Nikolaus | Horn | Austria, ZAMG | nikolaus.horn@zamg.ac.at 25-27 |
57 | Snjezan | Prevolnik | Croatia, Seismological Survey | sprevolnik@gfz.hr 25-28 |
58 | Jurij | Pahor | Slovenija, ARSO | jurij.pahor@gov.si 25-28 |
59 | Mladen | Zivcic | Slovenia, ARSO | mladen.zivcic@gov.si 25-28 |
60 | Victoria | Lane | UK University of Leicester | vl36@le.ac.uk 25-28 |
61 | Vladimir | Plicka | Cyech Republic, Charles University | vp@karel.troja.mff.cuni.cz 25-28 |
62 | Philipp | Kaestli | Switzerland, , Swiss Seismological Service ETHZ | kaestli@sed.ethz.ch 26-28 |
63 | Tomislav | Fiket | Croatia, Faculty of Science | tfiket@gfz.hr 25-28 |
64 | Christian | Haberland | Germany,GFZ Potsdam | haber@gfz-potsdam.de 27-28 |
65 | Ines | Ivancic | Croatia, Faculty of Science, Univ. of Zagreb | iivancic@irb.hr 25-28 |
66 | Dejan | Dragojevic | Serbia, Seismological survey of Serbia | dejan.dragojevic@seismo. gov.rs 25-27 |
67 | Catherine | Rychert | United Kingdom, University of Southampton | c.rychert@soton.ac.uk 27-28 |
68 | Antonio A. | Pazos Garciacutea | Spain, Royal Spanish Navy Observatory | pazos@roa.es 27-28 |
69 | Mustafa | Comoglu | Turkey, Koeri | comoglu@boun.edu.tr |
70 | Yann | Hello | France | yann.hello@geoazur.unice.fr |
71 | Marc | Ambros Ferrer | Spain, UTM-CSIC | ambros@utm.csic.es 27-28 |
72 | David | Pina Figuls | Spain, UTM-CSIC | dpina@utm.csic.es 27-28 |
73 | Rodolfo | Puglia | Italy, INGV | rodolfo.puglia@ingv.it |